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讲座预告-How Can Data Analytics Assist Clinical Decisions and Surgical Performance Assessment?
阅读次数: 添加时间:2018/12/21   发布:


  目:How Can Data Analytics Assist Clinical Decisions and Surgical Performance Assessment?

报告人:Jionghua (Judy) Jin (金炯华) 教授  美国密西根大学工业工程系      

  间:20181224日(星期一) 10:00

  点:伟德国际victor1946(江浦校区)文科楼 622

摘要:Massive healthcare and clinical data are widely collected from a variety of sources such as electronic health records, personal health monitoring devices and patient surveys, disease registries, etc. It is of increasing interests in utilizing those data to assist doctors’ or healthcare providers’ decisions. This presentation will use two examples to discuss some research challenges in data analytics for developing an evidence-based clinical decision support and surgical performance monitoring systems. Taking rotator cuff tears as the first example, some typical research challenges in analyzing clinical/healthcare data are presented. A general data analysis framework is proposed through integration of advanced data analytics methods, which include missing data imputation to handle heterogeneous mixed-type data, regularized variables selection for data dimension reduction, and probabilistic decision threshold for managing the decision risks due to inevitable false positive/negative errors. The second example is to discuss how to effectively assess and monitor cardiac surgical quality by considering the inevitable incoming health variations of patients who are under the surgery operations by different surgeons.


报告人简介:Jionghua (Judy) Jin is currently a professor in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering and the Director of Manufacturing Program at the University of Michigan. She received her PhD in Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan in 1999. Dr. Jin’s research focuses on developing new data fusion methodologies with broad applications in both manufacturing and service industries.  She has received numerous awards the NSF CAREER Award, and the prestigious Presidential (PECASE) Award, 12 Best Paper Awards since 2005 etc.  She is currently the Editor for IIE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering, and was Vice President of INFORMS and the President of QCRE division in IIE. She is a Fellow of IIE, a Fellow of ASME, an elected senior member of ISI, a senior member of ASQ, and a member of IEEE, INFORMS, and SME. More information about Dr. Judy Jin can be found at


作者:学院办公室         审核:吴斌

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