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费钟琳,教授先后在南京大学、东南大学取得经济学学士、哲学硕士、管理学博士学位。曾赴丹麦奥胡斯大学创新与商业发展研究中心交流学习(Guest PhD student of Research Centre for Innovation and Business Development, Aarhus University)。现为伟德国际1946官方网教授,硕士生导师,江苏省科技创新协会秘书长,江苏省科技政策思想库、江苏产业科技创新研究中心执行主任。


研究领域:科技政策、区域创新系统、产业技术预见。已主持研究国家软科学、江苏省软科学研究计划项目5项;参与研究国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、国家软科学研究计划项目4项;发表论文20余篇(CSSCI收录9篇,人大复印资料转载2篇,CPCI-SSH收录1篇);出版专著1部,合编专著1部。曾获江苏省哲学社会科学界第十三届学术大会优秀论文一等奖, 2019年度江苏省智库研究与决策咨询优秀成果一等奖,第十六届江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖。


联系方式:南京市江北新区浦珠南路30号伟德国际victor1946文科楼559;电话:025-58139589 E-Mailfzl@njtech.edu.cn

Name: Zhonglin Fei  

Address:  Rm.557 Art Building, No. 30 Pu Zhu Nan Road

Nanjing Tech University ,Nanjing 211816, P.R.China

Tel & Fax: 86-25-58139589

E-Mail: fzl@njtech.edu.cn / zhonglin.fei@gmail.com


n B.A.(Economics), International Economics and Trade, Nanjing University

n M.A.(Philosophy), Philosophy of Science and Technology, Southeast University

n Ph.D(Management), Management Science and Engineering, Southeast University

Academic Titles

n Professor and Graduate Advisor of Management, Nanjing Tech University

n Executive Director of Jiangsu Science and Technology Policy Think Tank, Research Center of Industrial Science and Technology Innovation

Research areas

n Research, innovation and technology policies

n Regional Innovation System

n Industrial technology foresight

Research Projects

n Research on the Allocation Mechanism of Intellectual Property Rights of the Cooperation Innovation in the Technology Alliances, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC),2015-2018

n Research on the Governance Forms and Sharing Mechanism of Emerging Industry Innovation Platforms, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, P.R.C, 2014-2016

n Study on the Technology Innovation Policy for the New Materials Industry in Jiangsu Province, funded by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, 2015-2016

Part of Publications

n FAN Wei-xi, FEI, Zhong-lin, "Research on Technological Evolution Path Based on DII Patent Citation Network——Taking Solar Cell Technology as an Example"Journal of Intelligence;(11) 2014: 062

n FEI Zhong-lin, CHEN Jin-dan, HU Han-hui. Broad Knowledge Sourcing for Innovation: A Case Study on Danyang High Performance Metals Cluster. In 12th West Lake International Conference on SMB (WLICSMB). Hangzhou, China, 2011.5:51-57

n FEI, Zhong-lin, Ling ZHU, and Shun-long ZHAO. "THE GOVERNANCE OF REGIONAL INDUSTRY CHAIN: CONNOTATION AND MEASURES."Economic Geography 10 (2010): 019.

n FEI, Zhong-lin, and Shun-long ZHAO. "The Effects of Risk Attitude of the Subject in Alliance on the Model of Knowledge Transfer." Soft Science 2 (2010): 004.

n FEI, Zhonglin, and Jingan WANG. "Social Network Analysis: Method and Perspective of Management Research." Science and Technology Management Research 24 (2010): 058.

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